SEND HELP, SEND MONEY... send in the white van and the goons, they need to take me away SO, here it is, six full months after starting this project, actually almost 7 full months ! We have been under so much self-imposed pressure to leave by 10 September that I have not even had time to do the blog. Today is 1 SEPTEMBER... we are 9 days away... we were lied to, this is a cave, not a tunnel, there is no light at the end to be seen (yet)... fatigue and frustration are bad for any project, especially when in the final days before completion. The money is not an issue, just fatigue. The fatigue is not psychological, mental or physical... it is engineering-innovation fatigue. This has been an extremely rough project to build, it challenged us at almost every turn, nothing, repeat nothing here could draw from the earlier experiences of building four earlier busses... this GILLIG is that unique, it also is possibly among the two-three projects (in my list of hundreds) that I would ...