13 OCTOBER, 2024

 Week four... here is a list of complaints:  15 October, 2024

We are working on a complaint list, here is what we have amassed so far, after four weeks... 

no sea gulls

no garage sales

no fresh seafood

no homeless masses sleeping, camping, begging.   

Oh wait. !  ... that last one is not complaint, but a commendation.

Made the Brookings run, found the picnic ground and lakeside fire ring, got the van back to status, got medical and pharmacy on board, all of the addresses changed, and the online accounts readressed, got started on the winter prep (readying for the November rains), locals here think they get more rain than Florence, and more wind too... so far, no contest whatsoever...  but, we will see.

Three weeks until the election drama, we burned out many "hours" of telephone time doing what could not be done online or by snail mail to transfer, update everything/everyone over to the new location... really enjoying the small town friendly and efficient variety of foods here, from banking to shopping this is refreshing.

The "gifted" car prep, unpacking, and getting set up here has taken us three full weeks, we still have one more week of winter prep to do, and hopefully then it will then be down to just the inside detail-work finishing the conversion for the rest of 2024... and an "all-done" for beginning 2025 as a new life-mode, new home base, and some new ideas for the webpages !!

In the synchronicity of this all, the Ducks defeated Ohio State yesterday, and we got our rebate moorage check back from the harbor... both events ending a lot of ties.    All in all, I keep saying that we are back in the "Old Oregon" that I first knew in the 1960's (before the Orks started invading from California), this place and its people will restore you, not disgust you.

Sadly, the town presents to your senses as an inland town, not a nautical place, there is no "Gold Beach", "Winchester Bay", or "Coos" feeling of being "on" the coast of an ocean, or estuary harbor town, The people also are not maritime tilted, and more of a "logger" type, strange, but very obvious, the area has far more of a Oregon logger-mountain town country persona.  

Our trip south to Brookings in the fog was reminiscent of LA/Orange County white-outs, Brookings had a definite Arcata/Redding/Mendocino "attitude" in the town, far more California-ish than here or Gold Beach, as the population evolves here in Oregon, part of the turmoil, and idealism split is from "newbies" arriving (which now have more than tripled the states population with outsiders over the past 50 years since we arrived at less than 2 million).  The politics and culture, morality and ethics of "Old" Oregon are in deep flux.

Albeit, we have now fully aligned ourselves to Curry county in toto,..not wishing to leave, even for a Bandon trip, in 2025 Amazon, the Internet, and Air Life have made the most reclusive of us "in touch" with all that the big city dweller has, even working/earning from home !

Port Orford is isolated enough from populated expanse and independent enough to make for a great, quiet existence.  we love it here , and see no imminent problems arising (other than our huge complaint list).

Sorry, "not" Port Orford... but Cornwall, England


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