27 October, 2024
We reached out to Bandon this past week, and Brookings last week, it was an all too familiar experience to our 8 years in Florence and reaching out to Eugene, Newport, and Coos Bay... it was a failure, a repulsive, disgusting failure.
We left Florence 5 times in 8 years, and now doubt we will ever leave Port Orford/Gold Beach, ever !
After years spent with a pre-drivers license age yearning to wander, leave, escape, investigate, and explore ended at 16, never to be put back into the garage, or run out of highway ever again... now, I have installed spike strips around Curry County for keeping us local, the yin - yang of it all, there is simply nothing more to see out there, no worth in the experience, we are saturated with averse, we are staying home.
We pioneered this obsession long before Covid, long before the wall was completed, we left town for-the-sea for a reason, remoteness, obscurity and privacy has eluded our attempts for years, the ability to self-induce privacy on a busy NY subway wanes, then becomes immune, a bigger "fix" is constantly needed... eventually you become a privacy addict, requiring open air outdoor spaces. unobstructed views, and fire tower like isolation.
Its a dichotomy, needing openess, view, contact, vs. having privacy, obscurity, and separation... but, after our trips to Brookings and Bandon, this we "do" know, stay home.
Thursday October the 24th... the trees finally have released their leaves to the wind today, so, it is officially the beginning of winter which usually pivots around Halloween, followed by the great faucet in the sky of November. We have yet to find an accurate online weather url, Florence was the same (so we built our own weather station), you cannot sit in Portland, or over the Coast Range and "guess" at weather, even the Coast Guard messes this up badly (we have stories).
We moved here for "long term", and hope it has longevity, some recent happenings may alter that, but, we are hooked on Curry county, yay for us ! A side note... so bad (totally inaccurate) are the weather channels describing Port Orford weather, I went back to the boat sites, if you have a more accurate reporting station than this, let me know. <https://www.windfinder.com/report/port_orford>
The bear is real! third night in a row... night one ... a bump, night 2 an attempt at removing a storage container from under the coach, night 3, a broken storage container out in the yard, no food involved, just hoses, water/sewer stuff. valves and filters. so, no more sleeping outside in the hammock!!
Speaking of bears, we normally hibernate ourselves... taking winter-time as online time, and staying away from people, so, if we seem aloof, its simply winter-time.
Back around Y2K we had a bald 4300 foot mountain-in top home, golden and American eagles abounded,
one dawn morning I saw what appeared to be a 5 year-old kid in pajamas wobble-walking up the hill,
alarmed, I ran out and encountered an Eagle, (wings folded) walking on the ground… face to face 30 feet
away we both froze and stared, the interface went on 3-4 minutes before “I” backed off. When I wrote in
detail about the experience, a four foot tall, 18 foot wingspan bird was not accepted well, I was attacked
unmercilessly as a liar, stretcher-of-the-truth, on and on…. Without photos to verify, I took down the post.
Yesterday I received a 25 year belated apology from one of the neersayers… and this facebook video link,
thought you might enjoy it.
... karma is a bitch, and this is a young immature bird.
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