4 NOVEMBER, 2024
WEEK SEVEN... 4 November, 2024 an FYI...
This blog (Whazammo ashore),is private, viewable only to those with the link address), there are 21 recipients (considered as "need-to-know"), to opt out-simply send an email or text with "opt out".
Hopefully, the very last of the pesky, "oops, I forgot that one", address and account changes got completed this past week... seems like in a 2025 world of AI, internet processors, and rapid communications that it would not take 2 full months to move, and redirect, much of what was changed did not stay changed, and the second time around had to be redone... pathetic efficiency level. Anything postal-tied is beyond explaining, two letters sent, one took 8 days, the other 11 ... from here to Portland !!
If you walk @ a speed of 2 1/2 miles per hour, 8 leisurely hours a day, you can hand deliver a letter to Portland in 10 days.
The areas of real importance Medical, Pharmacy, Banking, controlling the transitions of auto-pay, delivery address changes, and auto-deposit were the big failures and frustrations though... make the change, have it work... once... then return back to the old, so, you must make the change twice, while apologizing, chasing down lost deposits, unpaid invoices, and lost packages. all of it closeted in deep multi-form protections of passwords, permission/authorization, codes, secrecy, and a fear of your ever sharing info... shhh, this is top secret stuff.
But, its over ! Our friends from Bend sent us this... "Florence...Ran up there yesterday to pick-up the grandson, So glad your outta there, we got there early & had some lunch, walked over and looked over the rail. Not wanting you to feel sad but the So Fea looked sad, her soul obviously left with you, rails looked rusty not shiny like when you were there. the time was right for change, and you guys saw it.".
In a world full of neglect, abandonment, and waste most harbors have around an 80% unattended more than once a year boat population. unwanted cars, trucks, RV type things can be seen all around, as well as animals, cattle, and aviaries full of fowl, ducks, and geese. The people abandoned, injured, and lost simply add to the ever expanding visual scene of disarray and squalor that makes us resemble an impoverished foreign third-world country. Our "use it/abandon it" mentality is catching up with us.
The annual November 1 opening of the sky faucet, and "here is what winter is like" sampler was right on schedule (same as in Florence), we had gotten our links set up for the radar and weather station, just yesterday.... we recorded four or five 53/54 mph gusts, @ 38-42 median.... the surging squalls of sheet rain pummeled us early morning, our air bags made it tamed down, but still very similar to being on the water again.
Comment: the witch gales of November and the ides of March are unique in the winter menu of weather, on the Great Lakes, in the N'oreast, or up here in shipwreck alley these "Tempest" storms are special for their damaging pounding/surging, zero to maximum hammering effects, and being mixed with ice, snow, and the noise. the supposed "violent" sea storms of winter are usually constant (not erratic), battening down for storms at sea or in Port is part of the winter regimen, but the November/March hammer effects are hard to predict, prepare for, or endure. Being ashore I was amazed at the tree/structure protection and diffused wind, vs. being fully-openly exposed and on a heaving sea... I actually "slept" through the storm.
Did (our first) trial run with visitors... and a simple late lunch on Saturday, to test out functionality of the new configuration, gave ourselves a "C"... but, this boat-to-coach transition and move (Florence-Port Orford) is officially being called "Completed".
Another month of swatting loose ends, and maybe we can then call the coach renovation as "Completed" on December first ! setting us up to go back to repairing the main computer (remember that crashed on 15 September), and returning to our internet, writing, poetry, and the neglected web site workings, including launching the new Waka website <songbirdsonline.com> this coming Wednesday (6 November), watch for it !
We are being pestered to do a video or slide tour of "old memories", and "will" try to execute that request in the month of November... promise. night of stars last night, afraid of meeting Mrs. bear, we opened the skylights and put our elbows on the roof to watch... 55 degrees, no wind, no bears up there.
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