27 October, 2024
THE WORLD JUST GOT SMALLER... WEEK SIX 28 OCTOBER, 2024 We reached out to Bandon this past week, and Brookings last week, it was an all too familiar experience to our 8 years in Florence and reaching out to Eugene, Newport, and Coos Bay... it was a failure, a repulsive, disgusting failure. We left Florence 5 times in 8 years, and now doubt we will ever leave Port Orford/Gold Beach, ever ! After years spent with a pre-drivers license age yearning to wander, leave, escape, investigate, and explore ended at 16, never to be put back into the garage, or run out of highway ever again... now, I have installed spike strips around Curry County for keeping us local, the yin - yang of it all, there is simply nothing more to see out there, no worth in the experience, we are saturated with averse, we are staying home. We pioneered this obsession long before Covid, long before the wall was completed, we left town for-the-sea for a reason, remote...